Thursday 31 March 2011

Hey Julia, did you like Perth?

This Wednesday Julia Gillard rocked up at  Fremantle High School for a community cabinet meeting. 
A whole range of protesters and supporters turned up to make some noise.
I was there to support  the carbon tax, we wore sky blue!
Everyone was there...from Save Our Marine Wildlife, Conservation Council Australia, gay rights, stop live exports, stop uranium mining, Oxfam, free the refugees....and the list goes on.

Unfortunately a large, loud and slightly intimidating group of fishermen turned up who didn't want new marine sancturies established.
I don't know much about the topic, but when we asked them, "what and why they were protesting?"... they didn't seem to know either. Instead they got defensive, shouting, criticising and shit stirring others.
One even got out a fishing knife and slashed the "Ban Uranium Mining" banner. The police failed to show any interest...
These are some comments I found on a recreational fishing forum.

"I'd even buy a brand new bicycle for the first kid to cast a sinker into the Gingers head and reel her in with a nice 5/0 hook..."

"Is a flag with Ju-liar painted up with a hitler moustache going too far...?"

"We know our fish stocks are improving all the time..." (hmm, not sure where this guy is getting his information from).

But moving on to better things....
Here is the link to an article from TheWest about the day,

"Ms Gillard said carbon pricing was the first step towards a cleaner energy future in Australia with the revenue from the tax going partly to fund programs that reduce the country's greenhouse emissions."

The Conservation Council Of Western Australia put out this great article. 

"On one side was a sea of young faces and blue T-shirts, proclaiming now as the time to embrace a sustainable future, make polluters pay and invest in clean energy"

 Young and old out to support a clean energy future!

This wooly man was out to stop live exports, he was pretty unfazed about the whole event. Just chillaxing and having a feed.

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